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What’s on in the Global Pro Bono Network ? The BEESE Project04/04/2019


Boosting Employability and Empowering Social Engagement in High Education through Pro Bono.

European members of the Global Pro Bono Network gathered in a consortium with partners from their ecosystems for the BEESE Project. 4 Universities and 1 student organisation, together with Önkéntes, TimesHeroes, Pro Bono Lab and Work for Social, members of the GPBN with large experience in designing and offering volunteering and especially student volunteering programmes, joined to implement the BEESE Pro Bono project thanks to the support of the Erasmus + programme of the European Commission.


“Through the BEESE Project we create the tools and methodology to structure student participation through pro bono service”

The BEESE Project creates the tools and methodologies to structure student participation through pro bono service, boosting their employability by gaining real labor knowledge and empowering their social commitment that will accompany them throughout all their professional career. Boosting Employability and Empowering Social Engagement in High education throughout pro bono projects is the main objective of this new project, co-funded by Erasmus+ European Union.

To achieve Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart and inclusive growth and contribute to fight the high youth unemployment and social exclusion, the need to equip the future workforce with skills that increase their employability and equip students to participate constructively in social and working life in increasingly diverse societies, is clear.

Partners’ experience has shown that learners need real-life examples from their own communities to commit and be sustainably engaged. It has also shown that these social, civic and employability skills are most effectively acquired through work-based learning experiences. The BEESE Pro Bono Project responds to this need by offering unique Pro Bono Programs that unite students with businesses and community-based NGOs and that recognises the voluntary work-based learning academically through ECTS credits.

Don’t hesitate to check out what they do here.